has supported the latest ASP.NET MVC 6.0 on their hosting environment. The ASP.NET MVC 6.0 Framework is the latest evolution of Microsoft’s ASP.NET web platform. It provides a high-productivity programming model that promotes cleaner code architecture, test-driven development, and powerful extensibility, combined with all the benefits of ASP.NET. Included in MVC 6.0 is Web API and Web Pages, allowing Microsoft to remove a lot of the overlap between the three frameworks. In MVC 6.0, each feature that you wish to use has to be explicitly turned on in the application startup routine. Even serving up static files requires calling IBuilder.UseStaticFiles.
Free ASP.NET MVC 6 Cloud Hosting – ASPHostPortal is Microsoft No #1 Recommended Windows and ASP.NET Spotlight Hosting Partner in United States. Microsoft presents this award to for the ability to support the latest Microsoft and ASP.NET technology, such as: WebMatrix, WebDeploy, Visual Studio 2015, .NET 5/ASP.NET 4.6, ASP.NET MVC 6.0/5.2, Silverlight 6 and Visual Studio Lightswitch. provides an affordable and high quality ASP.NET hosting, ASP.NET 2 hosting, ASP.NET 3.5 Hosting, ASP.NET 4 hosting, .NET 4.5 Hosting, .NET 4.5.1 Hosting, ASP.NET 4.5.2 Hosting, ASP.NET 4.6.1 Hosting and ASP.NET 5 Hosting Besides ASP.NET Hosting service, they do provide ASP.NET MVC Hosting, ASP.NET MVC 5.0 hosting, ASP.NET MVC 5.1 Hosting, ASP.NET MVC 6 Hosting, Silverlight Hosting, SQL 2008 Hosting, SQL 2005 Hosting, SQL 2008 Hosting, SQL 2012 Hosting, SQL 2014 Hosting, Crystal Report Hosting and Visual Studio Lightswitch Hosting. They have the latest WebDeploy/WebMatrix hosting technology. They have supported SharePoint Foundation 2010 Hosting and SharePoint Foundation 2013 Hosting too provides cheap and best Windows and ASP.NET Hosting in United States, Canada, Mexico, and American Latin.
Supported Features in All Hosting Plans
Unlimited Websites, 2 GB Disk Space, 20 GB Bandwidth, Unlimited SubDomains, Dedicated Application Pool, Support UTF-8 Domains, US/France/Netherlands Server, Singapore/Australia Server, Germany Server, SQL Server db, SQL Server 2008/2012/2014, SQL Server / db, Remote DB access, SQL Mgmt Studio Exp tool, MySQL db, MySQL / db, MySQL Web-Based Access, Unlimited Ms Access.
All hosting plans included :
99.99% Uptime Guarantee
Uptime is probably the most important single metric you can use to measure the performance of your web host. It shows the time or percentage the service is up and operational. The counterpart of that is downtime. It shows the time or percentage the service was unavailable.
Availability is basically the same as uptime. It’s often measured by “Nines”. ASPHostPortal give you 99.99% Uptime guarantee!
SLA level of 99.99 % uptime/availability gives following periods of potential downtime/unavailability:
- Daily: 8.6s
- Weekly: 1m 0.5s
- Monthly: 4m 23.0s
- Yearly: 52m 35.7s
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