Leave A2 ASP.NET Hosting for These Alternatives: Top 3 Choices

A2 ASP.NET users are furious, following the security problem it encountered recently. Even though this web host has taken a myriad ways to overcome malware and resolve security breach, not few of A2 customers start to consider other hosting partners that are more reliable. The reason is real, ASP.NET hosting is essential to make any website accessible by visitors.

Problem in web host service means problem in your website. For large ecommerce, hosting operation shutdown causes major loss as many prospective buyers are unable to access the website. Not only does it cause loss, it also puts your business face in risk. In a condition you are fed up with A2 and wish to find another ASP.NET host, here are some alternatives you may consider.

A2 ASP.NET as ASP.NET Hosting in Brief

Being a big independent hosting company, A2 ASP.NET is based in Ann Arbor, Michigan. This company serves global market since its data center spread in several countries around the globe. A2 positions themselves as a speed ASP.NET hosting with high performance supported by excellent customer service.

A2 ASP.NET is also one of fast growing company since its establishment in 2003. It is proven by the large fanbase as well as customers from high-profile bloggers. This hosting partner provides several plans with so-called affordable pricing starting from $4.90 per month. The packages range from shared, WordPress, VPS, Reseller, all the way to Dedicated hosting.

This host also boasts several features including high performance, ultra-reliable service, and fast load speed. Excellent customer service makes this hosting partner a choice for many website owners throughout the world.

However, recent incident brings A2 down and it changes the perspective of customers. About two weeks ago the security of A2 hosting was breached. Malware spread and it causes major problem that insists the company to restore customer data from backups. Unfortunately, it does not work as expected. Many customers find their recent data are lost, giving them backups from about one or two months ago.

This is not simple for website owners. If you are among those people who feel bad experience with A2 ASP.NET hosting, this is time to leave for alternatives. There are several alternatives to take into account, however we are going to shortlist the option to make your work easier.

A2 ASP.NET Hosting Alternatives

It is actually embarrassing for a great hosting company to encounter such security breach problem. What makes it worst is the fact that many customers are complaining about backups that are not updated. For website owner, even data loss from a week ago causes major disadvantages. Your money and hard work are gone.

This is the right time to find alternatives to A2 ASP.NET that provides high security service as well as update backup. You are about to find top 3 alternatives to A2 that offer better features, and the most important, security as follows:

1. ASPHostPortal

Even though this hosting company is somehow younger than A2, its performance cannot be underestimated. The quality of ASPHostPortal cannot be neglected, considering it has received Microsoft No#1 Hosting Partner award. This hosting company is a recommended alternative to A2 ASP.NET hosting for reasons. Here are why you would love ASPHostPortal than A2:

  • Myriad plans

Being an ASP.NET hosting provider for Windows, ASPHostPortal provides wide array of choices. Compared to A2, it comes with more options that allow you to adjust with website needs. Ranging from the lowest tier to top tier with array of prices, ASPHostPortal can be your best hosting partner.

  • Affordable

In a condition $4.90 per month breaks your purse, ASPHostPortal will mend it. This hosting company costs $0.99 per month, far cheaper than A2 ASP.NET. Website owner with budget issue will be happy with ASPHostPortal for it provides much more affordable price for its lowest tier. Despite of its cheap price, this hosting company offers impressive performance.

  • Top security

Learning from A2 incident, you have to put security into priority. It is not only for your data safety but also backups. ASPHostPortal prioritizes customer data, providing DDos mitigation and data encryption so that your data will remain safe. Supported by 24/7 customer service, it gives you peace of mind. This is a hosting company you can trust.

2. HostForLIFE.eu

Another hosting company that becomes alternative to A2 is HostForLIFE.eu. Being established since 2008, this company has strong bases as it is developed by IT professionals who are experienced in their field. Focuses on Windows, HostForLIFE.eu has been serving 150,000 websites throughout the world.

There are several reasons why HostForLIFE.eu is a worthy alternative to A2 ASP.NET hosting. These things will attract you to leave for this hosting company right away:

  • Customer control

In a condition you need more control to your account, HostForLIFE.eu comes to grant your wishes. Unlike A2 company that dominates hosting scenario, especially developmental capabilities, this alternative gives more powerful control to its customers. The control panel allows you to control the account directly, providing convenience in managing the account.

  • Reliable hosting

With bad incident encountered by A2, you have to be more selective in choosing hosting partner. Particularly for ecommerce, you need reliable host that will ensure your data security. HostForLIFE.eu is a reliable company that offers top security for customers. Employing DDoS mitigation, data encryption and developed security protection, HostForLIFE.eu is good to go.

3. UKWindowsHostASP.NET

The last but not least, a recommended alternative to A2 hosting is UKWindowsHostASP.NET. This is one of the best ASP.NET hosting partner in UK is people’s choice comes with various packages in affordable price. Here are some reasons why UKWindowsHostASP.NET is a great alternative to A2:

  • Daily backup

Data backup is essential, in case something happen with the system. The recent security breach causes A2 customers to lose several months’ of data, which is terrible for ecommerce site. UKWindowsHostASP.NET provides daily backup that minimizes data loss, therefore your website will not be majorly affected in case something happen with the hosting.

  • Layers of security

This provider offer layers of security to ensure your data. Through this feature, customer data will not be in risk as multiple layers are ready to keep it secure.